Category Archives: Articles

Social Media for Impacts in Healthcare

Social media in healthcare

“The power of social media for spreading information and creating a community is undeniable and it has proven to be a valuable tool in the healthcare system”  Using internetlivestats, we can deduce that number of active internet users is on the daily on the rise. There is an indication that the growth of the internet […]

Heroes In Emergency

Heroes in Emergency

We all can be heroes without any need for superhuman qualities. Being human is already an extraordinary gift to mankind and when harness properly we all can help save the world in our sphere. Often times seemingly normal/ regular days become chaotic within a blink of an eye and bang! there is an emergency. In […]

Sterling Bank Plc Supports Accident Victim

post crash care

Road traffic accident is the biggest killer of young people in Nigeria (World Health Organisation) One of the state owned emergency care services in Lagos state rescued a young man who was a victim of hit and run along Town Planning Way Ilupeju. He was unconscious and unable to provide any information about himself. The […]

Sterling Bank’s Intervention Helped Toddler

medical intervention

3 years old toddler was diagnosed with complicated meningitis at one of the public hospitals in Lagos state, this week . Her parents could not afford to pay for the needed drugs and other medical needs that were necessary for their baby’s medical attention. The Social Worker in the hospital reached out to HEI’s Hospital […]

Life after Covid-19 and Innovations

Life after Covid-19 is no longer a futuristic statement, it is here with us. It is the new normal. In a time like this, we should ensure that the economy does not die hence, it is important to maintain sustainability of programmes and employ innovation. The humanitarian space requires diverse skills such as interpersonal diplomacy, […]

Reduction of Maternal Morbidity in Nigeria

maternal healthcare

In Nigeria, 1 in 20 women stands the risk of dying during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum/post I abortion whereas in the most developed countries, the lifetime risk is 1 in 4900. WHO reports reveal that 145 Nigerian women die in childbirth every day thereby leaving Nigeria to rank second globally in the number of maternal […]

Cititrust Donates for PPE Procurement

PPE donation

The availability of PPE is a necessity in the fight against Covid-19, hence HEI set up an emergency trust fund to harness donation for the procurement of PPE to health workers fighting against Covid-19 at the frontline in hospitals. Further into this, Cititrust Holdings Plc donated 1 million naira to HEI’s emergency trust fund for […]

Clinical Presentation of Corona Virus


The clinical features in the treatment of Covid-19 includes the incubation period which is between 14 days usually 4-5 days after exposure. The spectrum of illness severity could be No symptoms at all or Mild symptoms while the Severe illnesses Critical illnesses The death rate of Corona virus is high in comparison to other viruses. […]

Guide to Rescuing Road Accident Victims

Road traffic accident

A ghastly road traffic accident occurred last week Friday when a trailer rammed into buses at Otedola Bridge close to Berger. Commuters were trapped inside the buses while people hurriedly made frantic efforts to help but it was not close to being effective. Though they had good intentions, these good Samaritans are not trained First […]

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