Tag Archives: emergency response

What Is The “Golden Hour?” How Timely Intervention Saves Lives

Image of a man lying down with his eyes closed and given an emergency oxygen mask by a First Responder

In emergency medicine, the “golden hour” is a fundamental concept. Popularized by R. Adam Cowley, a U.S. military surgeon, in the 1980s, the term “golden hour” refers to the critical time window immediately following a medical emergency during which a patient’s survival chances are significantly increased.

Life-Saving Skills: How to Build an Emergency First Aid Kit

Image of a man's arm carrying a black and orange plastic emergency first aid kit.

In times of emergency, having a well-stocked first aid kit can make a significant difference. At Health Emergency Initiative (HEI), we believe everyone should be prepared for unexpected situations. 

A properly equipped emergency first aid kit can save lives and provide immediate care until professional help arrives. Here’s a comprehensive guide on building one that will ensure you are ready to handle various emergencies.

Life-Saving Skills: How to Administer First Aid (Wound and Bruise Care)

Image of an arm with a white cloth bandage wrapped around the hand

Dressing a wound for the first time can be nerve-wracking. How do you know when you’ve cleaned and dressed it sufficiently?

Fortunately, anyone can learn how to care for a patient with a wound. Whether it’s a minor cut or a severe injury, you can follow some basic steps to help prevent infection and further complications.

At Health Emergency Initiative (HEI), we empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide essential first aid, including wound care, to save lives.

Life-Saving Skills: How to Perform CPR in Emergency Situations

Image showing a CPR class in progress, with a participant practicing chest compressions on a mannequin.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a critical life skill that can mean the difference between life and death in emergencies.

At Health Emergency Initiative (HEI), we empower community members to become certified First Responders with CPR knowledge that can save lives.

Here’s when and how you can effectively perform CPR during emergencies.

The Impact of Health Emergencies on Vulnerable Communities

Health emergencies, such as pandemics and natural disasters, can have a devastating impact on communities, especially those that are already vulnerable.  These events can intensify existing inequalities and overly affect certain groups, such as the poor, elderly, and those with underlying health conditions.  In this write up, we will explore the ways in which health […]

Partnership for Progressive Healthcare


Partnership for progressive healthcare. It’s not too late to wish you ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’.  Trust you had a good Valentine experience. For us at Health Emergency Initiative (HEI), you are one of the reasons why the world is beautiful with smiles and hopes on the faces of people who would have given up. Thank you […]

2020 Lesson: Investment in Public Health

Public Health

If you’ve disregarded public health before 2020, I’m sure that by now you’ve had a change of thought. No thanks to Covid-19 pandemic. The new year was celebrated with the caution that Covid-19 is very much present with us. As always, life eases into progression and everyone is trying to cope, live and thrive in […]

Saving Lives of Accident Victims

Sterling Bank partners with HEI

How Sterling Bank and HEI are saving lives of accident victims. Many citizens are dying daily on Nigerian roads due to their poor state and sometimes the recklessness of drivers. Some have also died or become permanently scarred due to lack of immediate medical assistance and financial resources for treatment. In a bid to change […]

The True Code of Humanity

Emergency response

What do you know about the code of humanity? Ajibade Babalade, a member of the Nigeria’s Super Eagles, who won a bronze medal at the 1992 Africa Cup of Nations in Senegalis is dead. The ex-Super Eagle who turned 48-years-old on the 29th of March died of cardiac arrest on Friday, September 4, 2020, in Ibadan, Oyo […]