Road traffic accident is the biggest killer of young people in Nigeria (World Health Organisation)
One of the state owned emergency care services in Lagos state rescued a young man who was a victim of hit and run along Town Planning Way Ilupeju. He was unconscious and unable to provide any information about himself. The emergency care services contacted HEI with request for funds for the medical treatment of the road traffic accident victim because timely medical intervention was urgently needed to save his life.
Support was given to the victim through our medical intervention trust fund funded by Sterling Bank Plc. HEI promptly provided funds that were needed for resuscitation and stabilisation of the man. We are glad that the young man has regained consciousness and he is recuperating even as efforts are being made to trace/locate members of his family.
In the mission of saving lives, Sterling Bank Plc partnered with HEI to provide post-crash care to road traffic accident victims. This will further help to achieve the goal of preventing needless deaths, preserve lives and their beautiful dreams.
You are welcome to join HEI in this lifesaving mission. You can click here to support through your donation or for further enquiry or participation, send mail to info@hei.org.ng or call 07063985777.