First Responders/CPR Training Scheme

Besides responding directly to emergencies, we work to improve the speed and performance of First Responders during the critical first hours (golden hour). We do so by investing in and strengthening communities’ ability to prepare for and cope with emergencies.

To this end, we have trained government officials, institutions and corporate organizations in CPR, First Aid and other critical emergency response skills. This training has been extended to artisans (vulcanizers, towing van operators, commercial transporters, filling station attendants, dispatch riders, etc), Youth Corpers and secondary/tertiary school students. The Lagos State Commissioner of Education’s recent approval to train all secondary school students in the state boosts this initiative. Total numbers of first responders trained to date are well over 46,000 persons. Ongoing deployment of the iResponder mobile application will give impetus to train more than half a million Lay First Responders across Nigeria in the next 3 years.

Health Emergency Initiative(HEI) is steadily changing the narrative of onlookers’ habit of taking pictures or videos at emergency scene rather than help the emergency victims to survive. HEI organises first responders training that provide effective First Responders who can doubly increase the chances of survival of emergency victims. HEI also conducts this training for organizational staff as well as CSR on behalf of businesses, schools, youth groups, women, and other groups.

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First Responders/CPR gallery

Health Emergency Initiative’s First Responders training is an intensive 2 day training where the participants are examined after training and are certified by American Heart Association as a First Responder.

The importance of being an effectively trained First Responders cannot be over-emphasized.

The First Response lifesaving skills can determine whether a person survives or dies during an emergency. Usually, when a person suddenly slumps, it is due to what is called cardiac arrest.

A person suffering from cardiac arrest will collapse, become unconscious and suddenly stop breathing because the heart has stopped. The aim of First Aid is to jump-start the heart externally by administering CPR.

Emergency can happen anytime, any place. Hence, there is a need for First Responders everywhere.

Every Home, Workplace, Church, Mosque, School, Mall, Football Pitch etc. MUST have a First Aider.

Lives lost to needless and avoidable deaths can never be regained! Take action today by becoming a Certified First Responder because that life you would save might be yours.