Category Archives: Articles

The Beast in Road Traffic Accident

Road Traffic Accident

Road traffic accident is still a threat to young people in Africa. While the news of Joe Biden’s election as the president of America raved the air, the sad story of Football legend Samuel Eto’s involvement in an accident and the fatal accident involving 2 Zimbabwean celebrities could not be ignored. These just tells that […]

The Ravaging Disease Called ‘Sepsis’ II


The spectrum of organisms that causes sepsis changes over time and varies from country to country and this is in turn due to local patterns of antibiotic used. While any type of infection, bacterial, viral or fungal can lead to sepsis, the most likely varieties include: Pneumonia Infection of the digestive system (which includes organs […]

Against all Hope


Against all hope believed in hope. Welcome to November of recovery. Just like a newly delivered mother forgets the pains and travails of labour and basks in the overwhelming joy and fulfilment of the birth of a new born baby, so will you experience remarkable goodness that rubs off the pains/losses of the past from […]

Travails of a Nation


Travails of a nation, birthing a new Nigeria How a peaceful protest turned out to be sabotaged and bloody is an event that remains stuck in Nigeria’s history. Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) as a non-profit organisation that works and prays for the good of Nigeria and her people commiserates with individuals, organisation who had records […]

Good Health is Underrated

Good health

If you have ever had a challenge with your health or your loved one has, then you’ll probably agree with the clause ‘Good health is underrated’ and you clearly recognise the value of perfect health.  In recent weeks, HEI had received numerous phone calls from different people about the need for financial assistance for medical […]

Saving Lives of Accident Victims

Sterling Bank partners with HEI

How Sterling Bank and HEI are saving lives of accident victims. Many citizens are dying daily on Nigerian roads due to their poor state and sometimes the recklessness of drivers. Some have also died or become permanently scarred due to lack of immediate medical assistance and financial resources for treatment. In a bid to change […]

The Ravaging Disease Called ‘Sepsis’


Sepsis remains one of the most common diseases of the neonatal period and is still a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. As much as 40% of under-five deaths globally occur in the neonatal period, resulting in 3 million new-born deaths each year. The vast majority of these deaths usually occur in low-income […]

What Else Do You Want To END?

End Sars

It has been an eventful week nationwide as the END SARS protest sweeps through different parts of the country. It is clear that Nigerians have been pushed to the wall and in recourse a unanimous protest seeking to stop police brutality and lawlessness unwaveringly happened. There is no limit to the power of united voices […]

Nip Sepsis in the Bud


David is a 5-year old boy who was diagnosed with sepsis and HEI was contacted to assist with his medical treatment because his mother could not afford to pay for his treatment. After the boy had been treated at the hospital and discharged, he had relapse. This is because David didn’t get quick medical treatment […]

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