The world is never short of good deeds to be done and there is never a time that is too late or too early to be good, Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) believes Aesop’s words that says “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’’. Therefore, we faithfully work in saving lives, giving […]
Category Archives: Articles
Accident warrant emergency response and the absence of effective emergency response can lead to loss of lives as with the case of the three children of the Julius family who died as a result of fire accident. In as much as no one prays or wants accident to occur we cannot live in denial of […]
Accident is what it is because it is unplanned and unwanted, however accident is one of the inevitable of life. The 29th of August 2019 witnessed a fatal accident involving a BRT bus and a Dangote Truck at Ikorodu, Ogolonto that led to loss of lives and severely wounded individuals. Health Emergency Initiative intervened with […]
Malnutrition accounts for 54 percent of child mortality worldwide, while Nigeria has the second highest burden of stunted children in the world, with a national prevalence rate of 32 percent of children under five years of age. An estimated 2 million children in Nigeria suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), but only two out […]
The first month of schools’ resumption is gradually rolling off and we steadily proceed further ‘ember’ months where road safety officials have been preaching the gospel of drive safely, obey traffic laws, don’t drink drive, don’t receive use your phones while driving etc. Really, if you are to do a self-appraisal of yourself, can […]
Have you ever wondered how little gestures actually make the difference, how little drops of water make a big ocean or how droplets of rain results to heavy flood? The reason is consistency. Being consistent in any venture or task makes for lifetime impact. Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) since 2015 has been consistently coming through […]
CPR means cardiopulmonary resuscitation also called controlled pressure respiration. CPR is a lifesaving medical procedure performed on someone who has a cardiac arrest/ heart attack in order to help the heart pump blood. Performing CPR to an unconscious person/cardiac arrest patient almost immediately increases the patient’s chances for survival. Learn these CPR steps now […]
Mr Jide and his family travelled for his sister’s wedding at Ijebu Ode, on their way back to Lagos when they got to Abeokuta, they had an accident. Mr Jide being a Lagosian knows Lagos’ 112 and 767 emergency helplines but didn’t have a clue of any emergency helplines outside Lagos nor the first aid […]
Mrs John was at home with her only daughter Sarah when the little girl of four years old suddenly started gasping for breath. In the blink of an eye before the girl hit the floor Mrs John caught Sarah, quickly carried her and placed her on the blanket laid on the floor where Sarah had […]
Hauwa’s boyfriend, a conductor denied pregnancy which produced a set of twin and left her to fend for herself and the newly-born twin who are boys. Hauwa had no definite shelter, she sometimes sleeps in Danfo bus with her babies at night while she worked as a plate washer during the day in a restaurant […]