Tag Archives: Emergency responders

What do you know about pre-hospital care?

prehospital care

We may not be able to unravel the reason as to why people would rather watch, take pictures and videos at emergency scenes rather than find a way to help emergency victims. Can we say people have not been adequately informed or that they are not knowledgeable about pre-hospital care and first responders? Or perhaps […]

House on Fire; Can You Help?

First Responders

A house was on fire, the fire service were alerted and were on their way to the emergency scene but a man in his vehicle for no justifiable reason blocked the way and hindered the fire service emergency responders from driving through. Eventually, the man obliged to give way for them to go through while […]

Emergency in Nigeria’s Public Health


Emergency on Nigeria’s public health. Before Covid-19, Nigeria’s economy was already slippery, Covid-19 came upon us and the country is presently languishing in pre- Covid-19 and Covid-19 economic implications. The stats don’t lie, while Covid-19 is in a league of its own rampaging the world, our society is sadly being devoured by less threatening illnesses.  […]

Social Media for Impacts in Healthcare

Social media in healthcare

“The power of social media for spreading information and creating a community is undeniable and it has proven to be a valuable tool in the healthcare system”  Using internetlivestats, we can deduce that number of active internet users is on the daily on the rise. There is an indication that the growth of the internet […]

Sterling Bank Plc Supports Accident Victim

post crash care

Road traffic accident is the biggest killer of young people in Nigeria (World Health Organisation) One of the state owned emergency care services in Lagos state rescued a young man who was a victim of hit and run along Town Planning Way Ilupeju. He was unconscious and unable to provide any information about himself. The […]


Tips to helping a choking person

Emergency  is not limited to road crash accidents, a situation where someone is choking is an emergency that might lead to needless loss of life if the victim does not get effective help. It was lunch time in the office, colleagues went to the cafeteria to eat. Suddenly, a colleague started to choke. Miss Elizabeth,  […]

NECK TRAUMA: The penetrating pain

HEI Neck

That phase of the year that needs more caution because of its susceptibility to unpleasant happenings is the ‘Ember’ months phase and December is not an exception. 2019 nears its end and it weighs the heart with some unpleasant occurrences especially with the recent neck trauma occurrence. It’s no longer news that a young lady […]

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