Tag Archives: death

NECK TRAUMA: The penetrating pain

HEI Neck

That phase of the year that needs more caution because of its susceptibility to unpleasant happenings is the ‘Ember’ months phase and December is not an exception. 2019 nears its end and it weighs the heart with some unpleasant occurrences especially with the recent neck trauma occurrence. It’s no longer news that a young lady […]


Accident warrant emergency response and the absence of effective emergency response can lead to loss of lives as with the case of the three children of the Julius family who died as a result of fire accident. In as much as no one prays or wants accident to occur we cannot live in denial of […]

Fire Incident – The Family of Mr & Mrs Julius (A must read for every home)

We had a very tragic and horrific situation Last week. Mr. and Mrs. Julius lost three out of their four children in a very pathetic and dehumanizing manner. Their mother had left the four children aged between 1 year to 5years to buy foodstuffs in the neighborhood. Before going, she lit a candle as there […]

World Malaria Day

  #ZeroMalariaStartsWithMe Malaria has become a threat to our everyday life. A child dies from malaria every 2minutes (WHO). The fight against malaria starts with You and I, let us keep our environment clean. It’s World Malaria Day

Fasten your seat belt; its safety is better than it discomfort

Fasten your seat belt; its safety is better than it discomfort Do you always think that you are the best behind the wheels and yet you drive without fastening your seat belt? Let’s bring this to your notice; Road traffic crashes killed 1.25 million people worldwide in 2013 and injured up to 50 million more and now […]

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