Tag Archives: None Should Die

What Else Do You Want To END?

End Sars

It has been an eventful week nationwide as the END SARS protest sweeps through different parts of the country. It is clear that Nigerians have been pushed to the wall and in recourse a unanimous protest seeking to stop police brutality and lawlessness unwaveringly happened. There is no limit to the power of united voices […]

Health Care Status in Nigeria

Access to health care still remains a major problem in our country today. True, WHO, UNICEF, and some other organizations have made tremendous contributions in improving health yet the progress is not even. A great percentage of poorest population still cannot afford the basic medical care and even those of them who pay for the […]

Another Accident Victim Receives Timely Intervention; HEI Intervention Update

  Just last week, a 27 years old man who was critically injured in a road accident around Idiraba was picked up by LASAMBUS and rushed to LASUTH. On getting to LASUTH, there was no means by which the accident victim could access prompt treatment because there were no funds and he had no one […]

Dialogue for Promoting an all- Inclusive Nigeria

Health Emergency Initiative participated in a dialogue for promoting an all-inclusive Nigeria. During the dialogue, a major correction has was been put to the public that ‘persons with disabilities’ shouldn’t be addressed as ‘physical challenged persons’ because they have abilities of great innovations and have a lot to offer.   A member of the United Nations  […]

HEI Donates Medical Items To Kirikiri Prison

Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) donated medical items and other essential drugs to Kirikiri Prison to tackle the health emergencies among the inmates. Mrs Rebecca Ediale, the HEI Project Officer, said while presenting the items to the prison officials on Tuesday that the drugs would go a long way in tackling health challenges and emergencies at the medium prison. “Basically, the items will go a […]

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