Tag Archives: First Responders Training

What do you know about pre-hospital care?

prehospital care

We may not be able to unravel the reason as to why people would rather watch, take pictures and videos at emergency scenes rather than find a way to help emergency victims. Can we say people have not been adequately informed or that they are not knowledgeable about pre-hospital care and first responders? Or perhaps […]

The True Code of Humanity

Emergency response

What do you know about the code of humanity? Ajibade Babalade, a member of the Nigeria’s Super Eagles, who won a bronze medal at the 1992 Africa Cup of Nations in Senegalis is dead. The ex-Super Eagle who turned 48-years-old on the 29th of March died of cardiac arrest on Friday, September 4, 2020, in Ibadan, Oyo […]

Guide to Rescuing Road Accident Victims

Road traffic accident

A ghastly road traffic accident occurred last week Friday when a trailer rammed into buses at Otedola Bridge close to Berger. Commuters were trapped inside the buses while people hurriedly made frantic efforts to help but it was not close to being effective. Though they had good intentions, these good Samaritans are not trained First […]


Tips to helping a choking person

Emergency  is not limited to road crash accidents, a situation where someone is choking is an emergency that might lead to needless loss of life if the victim does not get effective help. It was lunch time in the office, colleagues went to the cafeteria to eat. Suddenly, a colleague started to choke. Miss Elizabeth,  […]



  A female pedestrian noticed a middle aged man jogged passed her. Few minutes after, the female pedestrian saw that the middle aged man halted in his track and was gradually slipping to the floor. She ran to the victim and saw the man writhing in pain. Some persons also stopped to look at what […]


Following the previous post on “ Impact of Effective Emergency Response”, we promised to keep you updated on what can you do to have coordinated effort with speed and accuracy during emergency response, without  requirements of being certified. There are 3 basic Cs you can follow through in an emergency situation.The three Cs are: Check, […]


Accident warrant emergency response and the absence of effective emergency response can lead to loss of lives as with the case of the three children of the Julius family who died as a result of fire accident. In as much as no one prays or wants accident to occur we cannot live in denial of […]

Save a life with CPR

  CPR means cardiopulmonary resuscitation also called controlled pressure respiration. CPR is a lifesaving medical procedure performed on someone who has a cardiac arrest/ heart attack in order to help the heart pump blood. Performing CPR to an unconscious person/cardiac arrest patient almost immediately increases the patient’s chances for survival. Learn these CPR steps now […]

A mother saved her child from the cold arms of death with the first responders training

Mrs John was at home with her only daughter Sarah when the little girl of four years old suddenly started gasping for breath. In the blink of an eye before the girl hit the floor Mrs John caught Sarah, quickly carried her and placed her on the blanket laid on the floor where Sarah had […]

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