Tag Archives: Health emergency organisation in Nigeria

Introducing HEI Youth Hub

HEI Youth Hub

They say youth are leaders of tomorrow but at Health Emergency Initiative (HEI), we believe that youths are leaders of now so we embrace the involvement of youths in our programs. Apart from equipping them with the lifesaving First Responders skills, in November 2019, we also had a medical awareness outreach in partnership with National […]

Against all Hope


Against all hope believed in hope. Welcome to November of recovery. Just like a newly delivered mother forgets the pains and travails of labour and basks in the overwhelming joy and fulfilment of the birth of a new born baby, so will you experience remarkable goodness that rubs off the pains/losses of the past from […]

Saving Lives of Accident Victims

Sterling Bank partners with HEI

How Sterling Bank and HEI are saving lives of accident victims. Many citizens are dying daily on Nigerian roads due to their poor state and sometimes the recklessness of drivers. Some have also died or become permanently scarred due to lack of immediate medical assistance and financial resources for treatment. In a bid to change […]

Emergency in Nigeria’s Public Health


Emergency on Nigeria’s public health. Before Covid-19, Nigeria’s economy was already slippery, Covid-19 came upon us and the country is presently languishing in pre- Covid-19 and Covid-19 economic implications. The stats don’t lie, while Covid-19 is in a league of its own rampaging the world, our society is sadly being devoured by less threatening illnesses.  […]

Malnutrition, an Aftermath of Covid-19


Malnutrition in Children, an aftermath of Covid-19. The phrase ‘Country is hard’ is no joke and at HEI this is becoming more surreal to us as more cases of malnutrition-induced illnesses constantly calls for medical interventions. 80% of Health Emergency Initiative’s beneficiaries of recent medical interventions were children. Sadly, data collected from these medical interventions […]

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