Tag Archives: health emergency initiative

Failing Systems to Needless Deaths

Failing systems

No thanks to failing systems, the past week witnessed some mishaps that led to needless deaths that could have been prevented or reduced. This is heart-breaking because we work to prevent needless deaths and save lives. Knowing that those deaths could have been prevented in the presence of working systems in the county and where […]

We Move! It’s a New Year

HEI Team

Happy New Year!!! Looking back at the past year, Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) is thankful for every impactful stride and milestone made and we do not take for granted the gesture of service and love that everyone who walked with HEI has contributed to fulfilling and expanding HEI’s lifesaving frontiers.Here are some of HEI’s highlights […]

Good Health is Underrated

Good health

If you have ever had a challenge with your health or your loved one has, then you’ll probably agree with the clause ‘Good health is underrated’ and you clearly recognise the value of perfect health.  In recent weeks, HEI had received numerous phone calls from different people about the need for financial assistance for medical […]

What Else Do You Want To END?

End Sars

It has been an eventful week nationwide as the END SARS protest sweeps through different parts of the country. It is clear that Nigerians have been pushed to the wall and in recourse a unanimous protest seeking to stop police brutality and lawlessness unwaveringly happened. There is no limit to the power of united voices […]

Whose Super Hero Are You?

Chadwick Boseman

Be a true super hero that you are meant to be. ‘In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers’ King Tchala (Black Panther). August 2020 ended with diverse heartbreaking news amongst which is Chadwick Boseman’s demise. He died leaving with us life lessons that shouldn’t be forgotten in generations to […]

Health Emergency: No Respecter of Age

Health Emergency

Health emergency is no respecter of anyone. Anaemia is becoming increasingly prevalent in Nigeria and this is because of the country’s deprecating economy.  Anaemia which can be specifically called iron deficiency anaemia remains one of the most severe and important nutritional deficiencies in the world today. Reports have shown that anaemia contributes to mortality and […]

Sterling Bank Plc Supports Emergency Care

Emergency Response

One of the state-owned emergency care services in Lagos state rescued a young man who was a victim of hit and run along Town Planning Way Ilupeju, Lagos. He was unconscious and unable to provide any information about himself. The emergency response services contacted HEI with request for funds for the medical treatment of the […]

Cititrust Donates for PPE Procurement

PPE donation

The availability of PPE is a necessity in the fight against Covid-19, hence HEI set up an emergency trust fund to harness donation for the procurement of PPE to health workers fighting against Covid-19 at the frontline in hospitals. Further into this, Cititrust Holdings Plc donated 1 million naira to HEI’s emergency trust fund for […]

Fight Covid-19: Boost the Immune System

Fight Covid

Efforts are being made for effective control measures to fight Covid-19, however it is important to stay healthy and intentionally boost the body’s immune system. The immune system protects us from disease caused by bacteria, viruses and toxins, and helps remove foreign bodies and malignant cells from our system. In addition, the immune system is […]


emergency preparedness

Happy New Year! Welcome to a new decade. It’s with so much joy that we begin another phase of fulfilling the HEI mission THAT NONE SHOULD DIE. Focused on the pursuit of preventing needless death, equipping thousands of people with the ability to doubly increase the chances of survival of emergency victims and primarily providing […]

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