Tag Archives: Safety

Life-Saving Skills: How to Build an Emergency First Aid Kit

Image of a man's arm carrying a black and orange plastic emergency first aid kit.

In times of emergency, having a well-stocked first aid kit can make a significant difference. At Health Emergency Initiative (HEI), we believe everyone should be prepared for unexpected situations. 

A properly equipped emergency first aid kit can save lives and provide immediate care until professional help arrives. Here’s a comprehensive guide on building one that will ensure you are ready to handle various emergencies.

Failing Systems to Needless Deaths

Failing systems

No thanks to failing systems, the past week witnessed some mishaps that led to needless deaths that could have been prevented or reduced. This is heart-breaking because we work to prevent needless deaths and save lives. Knowing that those deaths could have been prevented in the presence of working systems in the county and where […]

Quarantine Lessons: Preparation for Post Covid-19

quarantine lesson

Lockdown has been extended and the quarantine continues. What are your quarantine lessons? Worrying about the ongoing covid-19 crisis can do little or nothing to make the situation better however we can look forward to the post-covid-19 world. As we look forward to a covid-19 free world, it’s better to be adequately prepared for the […]

Social Distancing: Stop the Spread of Covid-19

Social Distancing Covid-19

While there are different efforts to combat the spread of Covid-19, it’s becoming clearer that social distancing is an effective control measure of the pandemic corona virus. In an economy and demography like Nigeria, social distancing might seem unrealistic or cannot be achieved but if we really want to survive this, we have to co-operate […]

Global Health Emergency:Corona Virus

Global health emergency: Corona Virus

The world is in a state of global emergency with the presence of a pandemic virus ravaging the world and Nigeria is in no way left out of this even as there are presently 12 confirmed cases of Corona Virus in Lagos State. Without gainsaying, there is a palpating frenzy in the country that can […]

CPR, the Necessary Lifesaving Skill


Do you still undermine CPR, this post was written for you. Just recently, a Nigerian football league player in Nassarawa State slumped on the football pitch after he had collision with an opposing Katsina United player. The football star died despite several attempts made to revive him. However, the attempts made were not near to […]


Tips to helping a choking person

Emergency  is not limited to road crash accidents, a situation where someone is choking is an emergency that might lead to needless loss of life if the victim does not get effective help. It was lunch time in the office, colleagues went to the cafeteria to eat. Suddenly, a colleague started to choke. Miss Elizabeth,  […]

LIFE HAPPENS: HEI Assists the Abandoned

HEI Assists Abandoned Stomach Cancer Patient

Life happens’ this has become a generic clause to describe unpleasant situations but the subject of this clause cannot really describe the situation with two words because the pain runs deeper than what can be summarised with just two words. Mr Rufus is a sad subject of ‘Life happens’, presently going through the excruciating pain […]

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