Tag Archives: Family

A mother saved her child from the cold arms of death with the first responders training

Mrs John was at home with her only daughter Sarah when the little girl of four years old suddenly started gasping for breath. In the blink of an eye before the girl hit the floor Mrs John caught Sarah, quickly carried her and placed her on the blanket laid on the floor where Sarah had […]

Health Care Status in Nigeria

Access to health care still remains a major problem in our country today. True, WHO, UNICEF, and some other organizations have made tremendous contributions in improving health yet the progress is not even. A great percentage of poorest population still cannot afford the basic medical care and even those of them who pay for the […]

How do i know that i’m suffering from Sepsis

According to Health line, there are three stages of sepsis: sepsis, severe sepsis and sepsis shock. Sepsis Symptoms of sepsis include: Increased heart rate/pulse. – Fever with chills – Rapid breathing rate – unusual levels of sweating Severe Sepsis This occurs when vital organs have been affected and it is evident when you observe: – […]

Sepsis – Everyone is susceptible to infection

Are you predisposed to Sepsis? Everyone is susceptible to infection and virtually any infection and certain can result in Sepsis, according to Center for Disease Control. Bacteria infections, particularly those caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and some Streptococcus species. have been recorded as the highest cause of Sepsis. Sepsis is prevalent among children below […]

Happy International Women’s Day

It’s International Women’s Day, Join us as we celebrate the women in our society. Theme: THINK EQUAL, BUILD SMART There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish – Michelle Obama #TEBS #Women #Society #Health #Community #Care #Day #Celebrate #WomenDay #InternationalWomensDay #Safety #Equality #Smart #Lagos #World

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