Tag Archives: hope

Against all Hope


Against all hope believed in hope. Welcome to November of recovery. Just like a newly delivered mother forgets the pains and travails of labour and basks in the overwhelming joy and fulfilment of the birth of a new born baby, so will you experience remarkable goodness that rubs off the pains/losses of the past from […]

Nip Sepsis in the Bud


David is a 5-year old boy who was diagnosed with sepsis and HEI was contacted to assist with his medical treatment because his mother could not afford to pay for his treatment. After the boy had been treated at the hospital and discharged, he had relapse. This is because David didn’t get quick medical treatment […]

A building collapsed at Itafaji, housing a school and other residents

A building located at 63, Massey Street, Off Itafaji Lagos collapsed yesterday. The building housed a school which occupied the second floor and other residents on other floors. The pupils of the school were getting into the day’s activities proper and scores of residents were home when the building collapsed. The rescue team and residents […]

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