Tag Archives: medical care

LIFE HAPPENS: HEI Assists the Abandoned

HEI Assists Abandoned Stomach Cancer Patient

Life happens’ this has become a generic clause to describe unpleasant situations but the subject of this clause cannot really describe the situation with two words because the pain runs deeper than what can be summarised with just two words. Mr Rufus is a sad subject of ‘Life happens’, presently going through the excruciating pain […]

Save a life with CPR

  CPR means cardiopulmonary resuscitation also called controlled pressure respiration. CPR is a lifesaving medical procedure performed on someone who has a cardiac arrest/ heart attack in order to help the heart pump blood. Performing CPR to an unconscious person/cardiac arrest patient almost immediately increases the patient’s chances for survival. Learn these CPR steps now […]

Giving comes with great inner joy

We all feel delighted when we receive gifts. Our lives are richer when we share, and that great inner joy comes from helping others to better their lives. Make an indigent patient smile, today! To support contact us via: Tel: 07063985777, 08035766767 Email: info@hei.org.ng Website: www.hei.org.ng

First Responder’s Training (Basic & Advance)

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