Tag Archives: Life

Anaemic Patient Receives Medical Intervention

HEI Provides timely medical intervention

HEI provides timely medical intervention to an anaemic patient. An 18-year-old lady, Seun (not real name) was seriously ill and rushed to a public hospital in Lagos state but due to lack of funds for her treatment, she languished in pain. One of the social workers at the hospital called for HEI’s medical intervention to […]

NECK TRAUMA: The penetrating pain

HEI Neck

That phase of the year that needs more caution because of its susceptibility to unpleasant happenings is the ‘Ember’ months phase and December is not an exception. 2019 nears its end and it weighs the heart with some unpleasant occurrences especially with the recent neck trauma occurrence. It’s no longer news that a young lady […]


HEI Project1 million

“No bed space, there is no bed space” hospital workers say as victims in emergency situations are rushed to the hospital. This is the everyday reality of victims of emergency situations in most Nigeria public health institutions while the country faces 89 deaths per 1,000 live births and patient-to-doctor ratio 2500:1. Lives are lost as […]



  A female pedestrian noticed a middle aged man jogged passed her. Few minutes after, the female pedestrian saw that the middle aged man halted in his track and was gradually slipping to the floor. She ran to the victim and saw the man writhing in pain. Some persons also stopped to look at what […]

Another Accident Victim Receives Timely Intervention; HEI Intervention Update

  Just last week, a 27 years old man who was critically injured in a road accident around Idiraba was picked up by LASAMBUS and rushed to LASUTH. On getting to LASUTH, there was no means by which the accident victim could access prompt treatment because there were no funds and he had no one […]

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