Tag Archives: Lagos Emergency Responders

Antenatal Care in Maternal Healthcare

maternal healthcare

Antenatal in maternal healthcare A woman lost one of her twins, and also had to battle for her own life after giving herself over to traditional birth attendants- people who may be ‘experienced’ but yet do not have the necessary skilled set. What an irony! There have been so many needless deaths stemming from people’s […]

House on Fire; Can You Help?

First Responders

A house was on fire, the fire service were alerted and were on their way to the emergency scene but a man in his vehicle for no justifiable reason blocked the way and hindered the fire service emergency responders from driving through. Eventually, the man obliged to give way for them to go through while […]

Sterling Bank Plc Supports Emergency Care

Emergency Response

One of the state-owned emergency care services in Lagos state rescued a young man who was a victim of hit and run along Town Planning Way Ilupeju, Lagos. He was unconscious and unable to provide any information about himself. The emergency response services contacted HEI with request for funds for the medical treatment of the […]

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