Tag Archives: Emergency organisation in Lagos

What do you know about pre-hospital care?

prehospital care

We may not be able to unravel the reason as to why people would rather watch, take pictures and videos at emergency scenes rather than find a way to help emergency victims. Can we say people have not been adequately informed or that they are not knowledgeable about pre-hospital care and first responders? Or perhaps […]

Saving Lives of Accident Victims

Sterling Bank partners with HEI

How Sterling Bank and HEI are saving lives of accident victims. Many citizens are dying daily on Nigerian roads due to their poor state and sometimes the recklessness of drivers. Some have also died or become permanently scarred due to lack of immediate medical assistance and financial resources for treatment. In a bid to change […]

Malnutrition, an Aftermath of Covid-19


Malnutrition in Children, an aftermath of Covid-19. The phrase ‘Country is hard’ is no joke and at HEI this is becoming more surreal to us as more cases of malnutrition-induced illnesses constantly calls for medical interventions. 80% of Health Emergency Initiative’s beneficiaries of recent medical interventions were children. Sadly, data collected from these medical interventions […]

Timeless Impact Report


Oh, the joy of fulfillment of timeless impact!!! At HEI , we are excited to take lifesaving leaps and bounds in this new month as we work to save more lives, prevent needless deaths and ultimately enhance people’s chances of living to fulfil their beautiful dreams. Last month, July 2020 was a great month for […]

Social Media for Impacts in Healthcare

Social media in healthcare

“The power of social media for spreading information and creating a community is undeniable and it has proven to be a valuable tool in the healthcare system”  Using internetlivestats, we can deduce that number of active internet users is on the daily on the rise. There is an indication that the growth of the internet […]

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