What do you know about pre-hospital care?

prehospital care

We may not be able to unravel the reason as to why people would rather watch, take pictures and videos at emergency scenes rather than find a way to help emergency victims. Can we say people have not been adequately informed or that they are not knowledgeable about pre-hospital care and first responders? Or perhaps […]

Antenatal Care in Maternal Healthcare

maternal healthcare

Antenatal in maternal healthcare A woman lost one of her twins, and also had to battle for her own life after giving herself over to traditional birth attendants- people who may be ‘experienced’ but yet do not have the necessary skilled set. What an irony! There have been so many needless deaths stemming from people’s […]

Partnership for Progressive Healthcare


Partnership for progressive healthcare. It’s not too late to wish you ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’.  Trust you had a good Valentine experience. For us at Health Emergency Initiative (HEI), you are one of the reasons why the world is beautiful with smiles and hopes on the faces of people who would have given up. Thank you […]

Anaemic patients received Medical Interventions

medical interventions

The prevalence of anaemia. Pa David (not real name), an old man in his sixties was admitted to one of the public hospitals in Lagos with diagnosis of severe anaemia. He needed financial assistance to access further medical treatment but he nor his family members afford the needed funds. The medical social worker was informed […]

The Budding Health Threat in Nigeria

Cardiac arrest in Nigeria

Have you heard of the budding health threat in Nigeria apart from Covid-19? In recent times, there have been increased frequency of deaths  attributable to cardiac arrests. Cardiologists have expressed concerns that cardiac arrest –related deaths among Nigerians may be more common than previous thoughts. In recent times, particularly since the outbreak of the Covid-19 […]

Failing Systems to Needless Deaths

Failing systems

No thanks to failing systems, the past week witnessed some mishaps that led to needless deaths that could have been prevented or reduced. This is heart-breaking because we work to prevent needless deaths and save lives. Knowing that those deaths could have been prevented in the presence of working systems in the county and where […]

A Luxury Taken for Granted

A luxury

We surely miss this luxury that we had once taken for granted.! Last week Saturday, Health Emergency Initiative had her strategy meeting with some of the brightest minds in the country as they volunteered their time, expertise and insights to chart a progressive course for HEI in this year 2021. Last year, we had the luxury […]

2020 Lesson: Investment in Public Health

Public Health

If you’ve disregarded public health before 2020, I’m sure that by now you’ve had a change of thought. No thanks to Covid-19 pandemic. The new year was celebrated with the caution that Covid-19 is very much present with us. As always, life eases into progression and everyone is trying to cope, live and thrive in […]

We Move! It’s a New Year

HEI Team

Happy New Year!!! Looking back at the past year, Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) is thankful for every impactful stride and milestone made and we do not take for granted the gesture of service and love that everyone who walked with HEI has contributed to fulfilling and expanding HEI’s lifesaving frontiers.Here are some of HEI’s highlights […]

Giving: Donation to Massey Children Hospital

It’s the season of giving Couple of weeks ago, one of HEI’s distinguished partners, Digital Marketing Skills Institute in partnership with HEI donated 24 scrubs for nurses and a blood donation massaging chair to Massey Children Hospital, Lagos Island. During the visit at the hospital, 3 indigent children were also assisted on the spot by […]

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