Against all hope believed in hope.
Welcome to November of recovery. Just like a newly delivered mother forgets the pains and travails of labour and basks in the overwhelming joy and fulfilment of the birth of a new born baby, so will you experience remarkable goodness that rubs off the pains/losses of the past from you. Welcome to your best month yet!
We all can acknowledge that the year 2020 has been a highly eventful one. The past month of October was a challenging month for every one of us as a nation and individuals. Some people lost their loved ones, jobs, properties, and businesses and in the midst of these, life must go on. Therefore, as long as we live, we passed the baton to progress with life events as they unfold, and this can only be possible with hope.
Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) as a non-profit organization that is committed to rekindling people’s hope to live in their lowest time (emergencies) identifies the impacts of hope as a driver to surviving in challenges.
Following the track record of all the medical interventions HEI had done, we can boldly say that HEI duly functions as a hope lighter to many lives. In recent days, a 23-years old lady was diagnosed of chronic leg ulcers and a young 21-years old man was also diagnosed of sepsis and anaemia.
Considering the prevalent state of financial constraints in the Nigerian society, neither of these patients nor their families could afford to cater for their medical needs and they were languishing in pain until HEI was prompted and we swiftly provided the needed financial assistance for them.
Needless to say, these patients’ hopes of living was rekindled through these medical interventions and we are grateful for the privilege to impact lives. More importantly, HEI is thankful for the gift of every lifesaving partner who has always been walking with us in this impactful journey of rekindling hopes, saving lives and their beautiful dreams.
Just as the father of all nations, Abraham against all hope believed in hope, let us keep our hopes alive that life’s events will be advantageous to us.
You are welcome to support HEI further in order to reach out, save more lives and keep helping to make the world a better place.
We wish you a great and peaceful month.