
The Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic is arguably the biggest challenge facing humanity today. Nigeria confirmed the first case of COVID-19 on February 28. It has since increased to 65 cases. While the country is not a COVID-19 hotbed yet like the Western and Asian countries, its economy could be one of the hardest hit. Nigeria’s fragile healthcare system and high dependence on the rest of the world gives no hope that we can deal with this if it really hits us.

Presently, Nigeria is in a trapped situation where nobody regardless of financial status has nowhere to go or run to than the healthcare system we failed to build or make better. This Covid-19 season can be tagged as a blessing in disguise that affords Nigeria and her leaders the epiphany moment that we need as a nation to set our house in order.

Many years ago, King Sunny Ade sang a song in Yoruba which is interpreted as   “This Nigeria is ours, it must not be destroyed because we have nowhere else to go. A foreign land can’t be compared to our native land. Let us all unite to make Nigeria work.’’ This song foretells what we are currently facing as a nation, however, we can retrace our steps, undo the evil of neglect to our own healthcare system.

Invest meaningfully well in Nigeria’s downing healthcare system. Upgrade and ensure that primary healthcare facilities are affordably accessible to everyone. Kudos to some individuals, corporate organisations and groups who have donated cash and medical supplies to help contain the spread of the corona virus.

Join HEI and support emergency trustfund to help one another survive emergency situations. The victims of today can be tomorrow’s survivor and tomorrow’s survivor can be the victims of today. It’s always better to be well prepared for emergency.

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