HEI,primary healthcare in emergency response


A primary health care approach is an essential foundation for health emergency and risk management in building resilient health system in a community. Emergency unfolds in diverse ways and one of the many ways the average Nigerian experiences  emergency situation is when the basic needs of life becomes scarce or unavailable at the needed time and this need becomes a dictator of life or death.In the health sector, this can be recognised as emergency primary health care.

As little as this seems to a lot of people, it is important to note that provision of basic first responders skills, medical supplies, infrastructure, and the health workforce in emergencies can make all the difference in saving lives. And this is the core goal of primary health care in emergencies.

Primary health care in any community should be well-positioned to respond to rapid economic, environmental and demographic changes, all of which impact the mortality rate in the community.

Roles of Primary Healthcare in Emergency Response

  • Primary health care promotes an effective emergency response
  • Primary health care has an essential role to play in preventing, preparing for, responding to and recovering from any emergency situation.
  • The provision of standard primary healthcare enhances the quick re-integration of emergency victims to the society.
  • An effective primary health care approach develops resilience within health systems
  • It can also advance the global aim of achieving universal health coverage and health security.

In a country like Nigeria, provision of primary health care to emergency patients needs to be given more attention if needless deaths would be prevented. This entails making health interventions for low-income populations a priority and this is recognized as emergency primary healthcare.

Primary health care during emergencies which is also called selective primary health care cannot be underplayed in a society like ours that thrives on the bliss of population, hence Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) diligently commits to medical interventions for indigent patients in public hospitals. This year we are going exponential in our pursuit to save more lives through emergency primary healthcare. We aim to save 1000 lives through swift provision of fund to indigent patients who are in emergency situations in public hospitals.

HEI upholds THAT NONE SHOULD DIE, so, more than before we recognise that it is time that less or no persons died because of lack of funds as low as N1000, N5000 or N15,000 . You can join HEI to prevent needless deaths with your gracious support to PROJECT 1 MILLION.

PROJECT 1 MILLION simply seeks for 1 million subscribers with N500 per month and this funds will be directly channelled to providing primary healthcare to emergency indigent patients. Subscribe now, click to save lives.


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