Finally, BBN 2020 is over !!!
Whether you are a fan of BBN or not, you watched or you didn’t watched, the society found a way to make everyone know a bit of what goes on in BBN. For some of us that had never sat in front of the TV to watch Laycon and other housemates, I’m sure you could not escape the excitement that pervade the air with Laycon’s victory as the winner of the 2020 BBN.
Sometimes, one is forced to ask why BBN tends to be popularly accepted than most life impactful programmes. Over the years, it is not strange to notice that a lot of life impactful programmes have little or no fan at all. Yet, some of these impactful initiatives like Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) resiliently keeps moving to make impacts in the society being fuelled by genuine love to make the world a better place and with the support of 1% of the 1% of good hearted people like you that supports a noble cause.
Dear lifesaving partner, we are thankful for the gift of you. For being part of the esteemed 1% of the 1% that supports HEI’s lifesaving cause for walking with us to save more lives. In case, the news didn’t get to you like Laycon’s victory, HEI also have good news to share with you dear lifesaving partner, here we go!
We are delighted to announce to you that MultiChoice after due diligence contacted HEI via phone call and selected HEI as the only NGO to handle the project of PPE donation to hospitals. The multinational company, MultiChoice donated PPE items worth over N12 million to HEI for the purpose of judicious distribution to public hospitals. It is remarkable to note that HEI didn’t pitch nor write to MultiChoice but they were propelled to selecting HEI when they realised that HEI’s engagement with the Health institutions especially on PPE distribution was very credible.
Still in the pursuit of saving lives, HEI had another batch of First Responders training sponsored by UPS foundation and certified by American Heart Association. It was fulfilling to know that some of the grandaunts of the just concluded batch of First Responders have started implementing the lifesaving skills they gleaned at the training. Here is the link to the video of one of the participants of the First Responders training where he shared how he used the First Responders skills to save a guy from choking to death.
Emergency response is no respecter of anyone, so you can’t afford to stay indifferent or unconcerned to joining the 1% of the 1% good hearted people that can enhance emergency response in Nigeria. Use the USSD code *402*82289909*AMOUNT# or click here and let’s keep the lifesaving train moving