The first month of schools’ resumption is gradually rolling off and we steadily proceed further ‘ember’ months where road safety officials have been preaching the gospel of drive safely, obey traffic laws, don’t drink drive, don’t receive use your phones while driving etc. Really, if you are to do a self-appraisal of yourself, can you say you have been obedient to the gospel of road safety?

Talking of road safety, one of the less regarded road safety rule in Nigeria is the use of Zebra-crossing. The purpose of Zebra-crossing is that wherever there is Zebra-crossing on the road motorists are expected to stop in motion and allow pedestrians cross the road. However, it has been noticed that the safety concept of Zebra-crossing is not obeyed in this part of the world. Zebra-crossing should be a safe haven for school children, aged, sick and every other category of individuals to use the road without fear of being hit by any automobile.

Pedestrians are not supposed to run while using the Zebra-crossing, they should walk smartly to cross the road while motorists halt in motion for the pedestrians to cross the road.  It is high time we started obeying the law of Zebra-crossing and other gospels of road safety.

Health Emergency Initiative upholds that NONE SHOULD DIE therefore we implore every road user either as a motorist or pedestrian to obey the law of Zebra-crossing. Do have a pleasant week even as you EMERGE with us to save lives either as a donor or a volunteer.

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