Do you know you can save your own life by obeying #traffic rules?
Don’t be ignorant, safety first!
a. Make use of zebra crossing whenever you are on the road
b. Use the pedestrian overhead #bridge whenever you want to cross the high way
c. When walking on the road use the pedestrian walkway if available. If not walk on the edge of the road
d. Always face the direction of the coming #vehicle when walking on the road
#Road traffic crashes killed 1.25 million people #worldwide in 2013 and injured up to 50 #million more. The death rate due to road traffic injuries was 2.6 times higher in low-income countries (24.1 deaths per 100 000 #population) than in high-income countries.
Deaths from road traffic #crashes have increased to 1.35 million a year. That’s nearly 3,700 people dying on the world’s roads every day.
One of the most heart-breaking #statistics in this report is that road traffic #injury is the leading cause of death for people aged between 5 and 29 years. #WHOReport2018
The road is ours, Adhere to safety rules!
Join our cause to save more lives, obey traffic rules!
Video by:
#Safesteps #IFRSC #RCS #PrudentFoundation
#Entrepreneurship #Career #Goals #HappyNewMonth #Job #Run #Walk #Lagos

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