If you’ve disregarded public health before 2020, I’m sure that by now you’ve had a change of thought. No thanks to Covid-19 pandemic.
The new year was celebrated with the caution that Covid-19 is very much present with us. As always, life eases into progression and everyone is trying to cope, live and thrive in the midst of the global health pandemic Covid-19.
Truly, COVID-19 pandemic has taken so many lives and caused massive disruption to families, societies and economies all over the world.
However, it has also triggered the fastest and most wide-reaching response to a global health emergency in human history. In response to saving the world from the pandemic, there has been an unparalleled mobilization of science, a search for solutions and a commitment to global solidarity.
Just like Health Emergency Initiative did, acts of generosity, hospitals were equipped with the tools that health workers needed to stay safe and care for their patients. Presently, HEI has provided PPEs to over 3200 health workers in order to enhance their safety as they fight against Covid-19.
Similarly, there has been outpouring of kindness which have helped society’s most vulnerable through troubled times. In a time like this, people’s capacity to give and help one another was enlarged.
Thankfully, vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics have been developed and rolled out, at record speed; and these offer great hope to turn the tide of the pandemic.
The events of 2020 have provided lessons, reminders, for us all in 2021. Noteworthy among these lesson is that governments must increase investment in public health, from funding access to COVID vaccines for all people, to making our health systems better prepared to prevent and respond to the next, inevitable, pandemic.
At the heart of investment in universal health coverage is to make health for all a reality. Hence, the primary health care sector of the health system can no longer be disregarded or be relegated.
HEI as a non-profit organisation is committed to enhancing the efficient operations of Nigeria’s primary health care sector and we are open to partnerships to making our health sector a truly saving one.
It’s a new year, let’s make impactful strides together, click here or use the USSD code; *402*8228990988*Amount#