unconscious accident victim

An unconscious male patient was rushed to the hospital. He had a fatal accident and needed funds very quickly so that he would be given the medical treatment/attention he needed to stay alive.  He was in an emergency situation but there was no contact to reach any of his relatives to pay the bills for his emergency treatment in the hospital.

One of the hospital’s social worker immediately contacted HEI to help in saving the young man’s life who had head injuries that made him unconscious. HEI swiftly provided the sum of N20,000 to help  achieve resuscitation and stabilisation of the road traffic victim.

This road traffic patient is one of the many beneficiaries of HEI’s post-crash care because we function as their NEXT OF KIN providing funds needed for their emergency treatment in the hospitals.

The aim of post-crash care is to avoid preventable death and disability, limit the severity of the injury and the suffering caused by it, and ensure the crash survivor’s best possible recovery and reintegration into society. The way in which persons injured in road traffic crashes are dealt with following a crash determines their chances and the quality of survival. The “Golden hour” which is the first few minutes/hour is an important determinant of the road traffic accident victims’ survival.

The “Golden hour” is golden to HEI too, hence we emerge to save the emergency victims’ lives with swift provision of funds. You can join us in the provision of post-crash care with of emergency funds, support PROJECT 1 MILLION and let’s reach out more to prevent needless deaths.


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