Our medical intervention program seeks to reduce mortalities rising from the widespread poverty and destitution in Nigeria. Many segments of the population are under this menace resulting in avoidable deaths.
Her family had a fire accident that led to the loss of 3 children amidst 4 children. The only surviving child is her 5 year old boy, Testimony Julius, who hid inside the fridge while the fire engulfed his younger siblings helplessly.
The parents were financially incapable to commence treatment for the children who were victims of fire accident so Health Emergency Initiative (HEI) stepped in to help fight for the children’s lives but it was only Testimony that managed to escape death as a result of the fire accident.
Meet Saviour’s Mother
Saviour’s mother would have lost her child, Saviour but for the intervention of Health Emergency Initiative(HEI).
With little or no financial support from family, HEI emerged to provide financial support needed to save Saviour’s life after 3 months coma.
The mother who feared that she would lose her son is grateful to Health Emergency Initiative for helping in the fight to keep her son alive.

24hr Payment Response Plan
We pay hospital bills of indigent accident victims nationwide, within 24 hrs of notification. This platform is to help stabilize injured accident victims, who could have been turned away by hospitals for financial reasons.

Indigent Patients Assistance Scheme
Identify and assist indigent patients (including pregnant women) who are unable to foot their medical bills before and after they have been treated (medical detention). This may involve paying part or all of the bills

Short-term Financial Assistance to emergencies
In the medium to long term, collaborate with hospitals, clinics, and maternity homes etc to ensure health emergency issues are not arbitrarily turned down without recourse to HEI provided the patient/victim is not associated with criminality, deception or cheating.