Please ONLY call these lines when you need help. You can also share this page to save a life.

Police Emergency Phone Numbers
01-4931260, 01-4978899.

Rapid Response Squad (RRS)
070-55350249, 070-35068242, 080-79279349

Rape Helpline

Inspector General of Police (IGP)
0805966666 (SMS only)

Nigerian Army Human Rights
If you’re harassed by Army officials, call 08160134303 or 08161507644

Depression/Suicide prevention initiative
08062106493, 08092106493, 09080217555, 09034400009, 08111909909, 07013811143

State Security Service (SSS)

Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC)
122 or 07002255372

Child Domestic Violence
08107572829, 08131643208.

Violation of Girls and Women helpline